
Interesting and useful articles about marketing, our product and online communications

Conversion API: Enhanced Tracking and Marketing Strategy Optimization

About what the Conversion API (CAPI) is, how to use it to track data, optimize strategies and increase revenue.

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Control Group: What It Is and Why It's Needed in Marketing

About what a control group is, why a business needs this method, and how the research is conducted.

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How BNB Bank Increased Transaction Activity by 36%

About the results achieved during the cooperation between BNB Bank and Altcraft Platform.

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North Star Metric: What It Is, How to Find It, and Examples From Major Companies

About what NSM is, what is the essence, why you need a "polar star", how to find it not in the starry sky, but among your goals and objectives.

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How Uzum Reduced Push Notification Opt-Out Rates by 23% and Started Saving 20 Working Hours per Week

Read how the Uzum reduced the bounce rate of push notifications and saved 20 working hours per week.

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What is Statistical Power

About how to correctly calculate the statistical power for testing.

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Internet Marketing in E-commerce: Examples and Strategies

About what e-commerce marketing is and what tools are used in this process.

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Maximize Sales: Seasonal Marketing as a Profit-Boosting Tool

Explore the nature of seasonal demand, and how to launch a temporary advertising campaign, with examples from various brands.

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