Interesting and useful articles about marketing, our product and online communications
About what CM and CJM are, how they differ, their roles in your business’s success, and which approach is best to use.
Read moreAbout what the 7P concept is and why it is important for business.
Read moreAbout what the Conversion API (CAPI) is, how to use it to track data, optimize strategies and increase revenue.
Read moreAbout what a control group is, why a business needs this method, and how the research is conducted.
Read moreAbout the results achieved during the cooperation between BNB Bank and Altcraft Platform.
Read moreAbout what NSM is, what is the essence, why you need a "polar star", how to find it not in the starry sky, but among your goals and objectives.
Read moreRead how the Uzum reduced the bounce rate of push notifications and saved 20 working hours per week.
Read moreAbout how to correctly calculate the statistical power for testing.
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