
LSI Keywords: Writing for People and Boosting Your Website

Date: 2025-02-28 | Time of reading: 7 minutes (1343 words)

LSI keywords (latent semantic indexing) are supplementary words and phrases contextually related to the main SEO query. They help search engines better understand the page's context.

Words in bold are LSI keywords

Why LSI keywords are important

If you search for "apple pie with cinnamon," the search engine will consider related concepts such as "baking," "dessert," "apples," "cinnamon," "cooking," and possibly "oven" and "dough." It’s unlikely the results will include pages about growing apples or the health benefits of cinnamon, even though these topics are related to the query but not its primary intent.

Why does this happen? Search engines analyze not only the exact match of words in queries and web pages but also latent semantics. This means they consider the contextual relationship between words.

Let’s explore why using LSI phrases in website content is beneficial:

  • These words and phrases help expand the scope of the page and attract more readers. The better the semantic structure, the higher the chances of increasing traffic.

  • However, balance is key. Overloading a text with LSI phrases can make it unnatural, and search engines may flag it as spam, negatively impacting the page’s ranking.

  • When key phrases are incorporated harmoniously without disrupting readability, search engines regard the content as high-quality and valuable to users. This enhances the site’s visibility in search results.

How is SEO used to promote websites? And how can you improve rankings without breaking the rules? Read the article: “SEO Optimization: What It Is and How It Works.”

Types of LSI Keywords

LSI keywords can be divided into two main types:

  1. Synonyms and similar words. These are terms that convey a meaning similar to the main query. For example, for the word “house,” such terms might include “home,” “building,” or “cottage.”

  2. Related words and phrases. These are concepts that are not synonyms but are connected to the topic. For the query “house,” such words might include “renovation,” “interior design,” “construction,” “roofing,” “facade,” and “utilities.”

Texts typically aim to use both types of keywords evenly.

Synonym keywords are particularly important because they can serve as alternatives to the main query. However, finding such words for niche topics can be challenging.

How to gather LSI keywords

LSI keywords can be collected manually or using automated tools.

How to collect site keywords manually

These methods take more time but allow you to save money by avoiding paid services.

Search for related queries. One of the simplest options is to analyze search engine suggestions. To do this, enter the main query in the search bar, scroll down to the “Related Searches” section, and select relevant options. These terms can be used in site content.

When entering a query into the search bar on Yandex or Google, suggestions appear that update based on user preferences and behavior.

Frequently searched phrases typically appear first in the suggestions. These expressions are usually suitable for use as primary keywords.

Hints on the query “marketing automation”

Brainstorming. Try to recall words and phrases related to the topic of the article that will help convey its meaning more accurately.

For example, the query “buy a lamp” can lead to both online stores selling lighting fixtures and websites offering photography equipment. Clarifying words such as “desk,” “for the living room,” “softbox,” or “photography equipment” help users immediately understand which product is being offered — a lamp for home use or a professional tool for photographers.

Study what users search for. To understand what words and phrases people add to their queries, you can use tools like Google Keyword Planner. This service provides data on related keywords, synonyms, and additional words that users frequently include in their searches. It also offers popularity statistics, allowing you to identify the most in-demand and rare queries.

How to properly use SEO keywords

Using LSI keywords in copywriting briefs is justified in the following situations:

  • When a large amount of content needs to be created, such as for landing pages.

  • When it is important to quickly prepare materials with minimal effort.

  • If writers cannot consult experts or lack sufficient experience in the topic.

In such cases, a list of additional words and phrases helps authors quickly navigate the topic and cover all key aspects while avoiding the mechanical addition of keyword variations.

However, if the content is created by a specialist with deep expertise in the field, the need for LSI keywords may be unnecessary. Expert-level material will naturally include all necessary synonyms and relevant phrases.

Here are some recommendations for effectively using LSI words:

  • Ensure natural text flow. It is essential that LSI keywords blend organically into the context without disrupting readability—they should be logically embedded in sentences so as not to distract the reader. Excessive keywords not only impair the text’s readability but can also lead to penalties from search engines if they detect keyword stuffing.

What happens if you overload a text with keywords? Read the article: "Black Hat SEO: How to Quickly Boost Your Site’s Ranking (And Get Banned)".

  • Use varied wording. Relying on a single word form or synonym can limit a page’s visibility in search engines. The more diverse LSI keywords you use, the better search engines understand the page’s content, associating it with various queries and expanding its reach. It is important that keywords are not just synonyms but also semantically related terms, making the content more comprehensive and accurate.

  • Maintain logical relevance to the main topic. LSI words should closely relate to the primary query and stay within the scope of the discussion. Their purpose is not to confuse the reader but to enhance their understanding of the material. Poorly chosen words can lower content quality and negatively affect how both users and search engines perceive it.

  • Incorporate LSI words into headings and subheadings. Using LSI keywords in headings improves page visibility and enhances readability for users.

LSI keyword collection step by step

The most effective way to work with LSI semantics is through a step-by-step process. Let’s take a closer look at it:

  1. Collecting primary queries. At this stage, you need to gather all the key phrases directly related to the main topic of the page. These phrases will serve as the foundation for further work, around which additional clarifying words and expressions will be built.

  2. Analyzing competitor queries. Use tools such as MegaIndex and arsenkin.ru to study the queries actively used by your competitors. These services help identify the phrases popular among users. Select the ones that fit your website to incorporate them effectively into your content.

  3. Processing and organizing LSI words. Start by structuring the collected semantics: categorize the queries based on their relevance to your content and their appeal to the audience.

  4. Preparing a technical brief for the copywriter. Once you have a finalized list of queries, you can proceed with creating a brief for the copywriter. Online platforms mentioned earlier can be used to streamline and optimize this process.

  5. Creating and publishing content. Writing high-quality texts is a key task for LSI specialists. These copywriters can integrate not only direct LSI keywords but also their synonyms and alternative phrasing, helping to avoid keyword overuse while keeping the text natural. With proper website SEO, pages will achieve strong rankings in search engines.


LSI keywords are a valuable tool for improving your website’s visibility in search engines and enhancing content quality.

Proper use of LSI semantics makes the text more diverse and relevant for users while also improving its perception by search engines.

The key is to avoid overloading the text with unnecessary phrases and to integrate them naturally into the context. This approach helps create useful and engaging content that will be highly appreciated by both users and search engines.






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