
Tryvertising: What It Is and Why It's Needed

Date: 2024-07-08 | Time of reading: 7 minutes (1316 words)

Tryvertising is a marketing strategy where potential customers can try a product in familiar conditions. It is suitable for a wide range of products.

Trial version of Snowflake

The name is simply a combination of two words: "try" and "advertising" (i.e., "advertising through trial usage"). This type of marketing allows customers to test a product for several days (or even months) to fully immerse themselves in the experience of using it.

Sampling or Tryvertising?

Sampling is an effective marketing tool aimed at boosting sales. It involves the free distribution of product samples or consumables to a target audience.

Why it's needed:

  • To introduce potential customers to the product. By giving people the opportunity to try the product for free, you help them form their own opinion about it and increase the likelihood of a purchase.

  • To increase demand. Sampling marketing creates buzz around a new product or stimulates sales of an existing one.

  • To enhance brand recognition. Distribute samples with the company logo and contact information—it's a great way to attract new customers.

So, what’s the difference between tryvertising and sampling?

Sampling is an effective marketing tool, but sometimes it doesn’t give potential customers a complete idea of the product. This is where tryvertising comes in, offering a fundamentally different approach.

Unlike sampling, where you provide small samples, tryvertising allows customers to experience the whole product.

For example:

  • Shampoo sampling: you give customers small packets of the product.

  • Tryvertising: you offer people a full bottle of shampoo.

Shampoo sample by thebeautystore.com

When is tryvertising more effective than sampling?

  • For products that are difficult (or impossible) to evaluate through a sample: shoes, furniture, electronics.

  • For products that customers want to see on the shelf or use for a period of time: shampoos, cosmetics.

Why is tryvertising necessary?

Its goals can be categorized into three main areas:

1. Sales stimulation:

  • You remove barriers to purchase. By allowing people to try the product, you reduce risks and doubts, which increases conversion rates.

  • You boost user confidence. Testing the product reassures people that it meets their expectations, thereby increasing the likelihood of purchase.

  • You create a positive experience. Positive product usage during testing often becomes a decisive factor in the purchase decision.

2. Brand strengthening:

  • Tryvertising introduces more people to the company.

  • Testing a new product forms a personal connection with the brand and enhances loyalty.

  • You improve your image. Tryvertising demonstrates the company's confidence in its product and its willingness to engage openly with consumers.

3. Information gathering:

  • You receive feedback. Product testing collects valuable data on its advantages and disadvantages, as well as consumer preferences, especially relevant when launching a new product line.

  • Tryvertising identifies who is interested in the product and helps optimize the marketing strategy. This testing assesses product demand and its chances of success in the market.

It is important to note that the goals of tryvertising vary depending on the specific product, brand, and target audience.


A company runs a promotion offering the opportunity to test a new model of running shoes for free during a run. This allows the brand to:

  • Stimulate sales: People who try the shoes are more likely to buy them.

  • Strengthen reputation: Testing the shoes during a run creates positive associations with the company.

  • Gather information: The brand collects feedback from real users, improving the product and optimizing its marketing strategy.

Testing products from Nike

Benefits of Tryvertising

Tryvertising offers several significant advantages for both producers and consumers.

  1. Consumers experience the product in real life: Whether at home, work, or on a trip, the customer can assess how well the brand's offering fits into their daily life.

  2. Purchase decisions based on personal experience: Consumers make buying decisions based on their impressions rather than advertising promises, increasing the likelihood that the purchase will meet their expectations.

  3. Less intrusive than traditional advertising: A free trial version builds more trust with potential customers compared to intrusive ads.

  4. Increases brand loyalty: A company that aims to dispel buyer doubts and allows them to test the product fosters positive emotions.

  5. Gathers honest feedback: This approach helps you obtain genuine opinions from real users about your product.

  6. Promotes new product awareness without substantial advertising budgets: Tryvertising can make a new product recognizable without significant ad spend.

Where and when to use tryvertising

Let's explore how this marketing tool can be implemented in a company's operations.

1. Product testing

This stage is a critical phase of development. It identifies how well the product meets the target audience's expectations and whether it needs further refinement. However, an artificially created group of respondents does not always provide an objective picture. It's much more effective to engage real users or potential buyers.

Here, tryvertising allows you to:

  • Collect reliable feedback: By providing the finished product to your target audience in exchange for their honest feedback, you gain valuable insights into the usability, quality, and alignment of the product with expectations.

  • Improve the product: The feedback received will highlight weaknesses and flaws that need to be addressed before the market launch.

2. Product Launch

Launching new products involves certain complex tasks: increasing awareness and creating buzz. Traditional promotion methods, such as large-scale advertising campaigns, require significant budgets.

Tryvertising offers an alternative approach:

  • Reducing advertising costs: By providing free product samples to people, you cut down on advertising expenses.

  • Creating a viral effect: Consumers who try the product will share their impressions with friends and acquaintances, as well as write reviews on social media, thereby contributing to the free spread of information about your company.

  • Increasing loyalty: A positive early experience with the product builds trust and loyalty among potential customers.

3. Effective customer acquisition

Such a "test drive" is an effective tool for expanding the customer base. Traditional advertising requires conveying the product's benefits to the consumer, addressing objections, and clearly stating what need it fulfills. Tryvertising offers a simpler and more effective method—give potential customers the chance to try your product for free. The opportunity to evaluate it personally, sometimes without spending their own money, has a much stronger impact on the purchase decision than advertising.


Many online services offer free access to all their features for a certain period. This is a prime example of using tryvertising in the digital world.

Free trial from fuboTV

Tips for using tryvertising

  • Choose your audience wisely: The effectiveness of tryvertising directly depends on how accurately you identify the potential customers to whom you will offer to try your product.

  • Provide a high-quality product for testing: Ensure that the product you offer for testing is of good quality and leaves a positive impression on the customers.

  • Analyze user feedback obtained during the tryvertising campaign: This will help identify areas for product improvement and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly.


Tryvertising is a comprehensive approach that accompanies a product throughout its lifecycle—from testing and refinement to successful launch and promotion.

With tryvertising, you not only gain valuable feedback from real users but also effectively generate interest, reduce advertising costs, and build a loyal customer base. Integrate tryvertising into your marketing strategy and watch your product confidently conquer the market.






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