
Updates in Altcraft Platform: Mobile SDK and Notify

Date: 2024-11-07 | Time of reading: 3 minutes (541 words)

Altcraft continues to evolve, enhancing our product and expanding platform capabilities. This article covers the new mobile SDK and the Notify channel.

Altcraft mSDK

A mobile SDK is a set of tools for building mobile applications. It helps achieve platform-specific goals and implement new features in apps. Generally, an SDK is a package of libraries.

Altcraft introduces the developed mobile SDK — Altcraft mSDK. This mobile programming interface allows push notification integration into mobile apps, making it easier and faster to connect Altcraft notifications to Android and iOS applications.

Altcraft mSDK features

The connection is facilitated through Firebase and APNs services. Integration on the Android platform is based on Firebase, and for iOS, it is available with both Firebase and APNs.

The connection allows you to:

  • Subscribe users to Altcraft push notifications

After integration, the Firebase Cloud Messaging device token or APNs device token is sent to the server, where a subscriber profile is created to receive push notifications.

  • Support text, images, and buttons in notifications

With Altcraft mSDK, push notifications support text and images, and buttons enable actions to be triggered on click. For example, this could be a URL link, a deep-link to a specific section within the app, or simply opening the required app.

  • Update tokens on the Altcraft server promptly

To prevent delays in sending pushes, tokens must be kept current on devices. Altcraft mSDK monitors changes in APNs or FCM tokens and automatically updates the token on the platform’s server.

  • Generate analytics on notification delivery and user interactions

The SDK logs events such as push delivery and clicks. The data is then sent to the server and used to build statistical reports for analysis.

  • Retry unsuccessful requests

If a request contains an error, its data is saved, and retries are handled via BackgroundTasks, which helps maintain data accuracy and ensures the request completes, even in the app's minimized mode. Retry and error-checking also occur when receiving push notifications and during app launches.

  • Operate in background mode

Subscription requests and token updates are completed even if the client exits the app before the procedure is finished, which reduces client data loss.

These capabilities are supported by both Firebase and APNs.

Notify channel

Integration with the Notify communication channel is now available. Notify supports the sending of transactional and service notifications through VK, Odnoklassniki, and SMS.

You can configure the channel in the resource and review the capabilities of custom templates. For more information on integration setup and connection creation, see the documentation.

Notify channel features

Notify supports the sending of service and business messages after the template is approved and integration is configured. For questions about connectivity, you can reach out via the email notify@corp.mail.ru.

With Notify, you can access information about sent, delivered, and read messages, engage in dialogues with clients (for service notifications only), and send images (up to 5 images). Charges apply only to successfully delivered notifications.


In this article, we introduced you to the new features of Altcraft Platform. For more details about the updates, added capabilities, and methods for working with Altcraft mSDK and Notify, you can visit the documentation site.






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Author: Daria Ustinkina





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