Customer digital profile

Nowadays, marketers use different channels to interact with their customers:

  • offline interaction: face-to-face and telephone consultations;

  • online communication: email, SMS and push notifications, messengers and social networks, chatbots, mobile applications, and websites.

There may be dozens of such touchpoints, and each of them provides new data about customers. How to organize all this data?

Being a CDP, Altcraft Platform identifies the user through any channel of interaction and consolidates customer data in a single profile.

A digital profile is generated for each customer who enters the database. It is a page that displays customer data and their participation in marketing campaigns.

How to view a customer profile

Go to the «Profiles databases» section and click the icon that represents a database that contains a customer you are looking for.

View profiles in a database

You will see a list of all customers in this database. Select one of them by clicking on the first and last name.

List of profiles in a database

The customer digital profile will open:

Customer digital profile

How to work with a digital profile

You can upload the customer's avatar and download their personal data:

Photo and personal data

Profile data is divided into 6 tabs:

  1. Main: the most frequently used profile information
  2. Personal: demographic data (first name, last name, date of birth, gender)
  3. Contact details: telephone numbers, email addresses
  4. Registration: opt-in information confirming the legitimacy of communication (date, IP address, city, country, link, provider)
  5. Tracked: data collected at the time of the customer's last activity (IP address, city, country, region, postcode, time zone)
  6. Additional fields: custom database fields with business information

When you open a customer profile, the Main tab opens by default. Set up the fields displayed in it by clicking the icon in the upper right corner of the tab. You can also pin any of the tabs as the main one, or even create your own tab with information you need - just click the icon above and change the settings.

Besides, you can change the global status of the profile manually. If you want to use this profile to test your newsletters, activate the «Test subscriber» option:

Status, tab and field settings, test profile


This tab displays all the actions that can occur when sending a message to a subscriber:

  • Email/SMS/Push sent (message sent to subscriber)
  • Email/SMS/Push delivered (message successfully delivered)
  • Email/Push is opened (subscriber opened your message)
  • Email/SMS/Push click (subscriber clicked one of the links)
  • Email is seen (email was opened for at least 12 seconds)
  • Email reply (subscriber replied to your email)


When a profile performs some action, for instance, clicks a link in your email, the corresponding icon is highlighted in colour.

Now let's look at the other sections of the digital profile interface:

Digital profile blocks


History represents all the company's interactions with the customer:

  • how their data entered the database (import method),
  • content they subscribed to,
  • received newsletters,
  • whether they followed the links in your email,
  • participation in scenarios,
  • active promo codes, etc.

Activity history


Here you can find information about the platform objects that the profile interacts with:



Static segments are used for advanced analytics of customer fixed groups. There is a ready-made integration to export static segments data via SQL. Here you can add the profile to a segment or remove.



Triggers are campaigns that are launched when a certain event occurs (the profile clicks on a link, fills out a form, etc.). On this tab, you can manually send a trigger message to a profile.



Scenarios help you automate your marketing workflows. This tab contains the history of a customer's scenario participation and results. And you can engage a customer in a scenario manually.



This tab contains the following information about the subscriber:


Promo codes

Promotion codes can encourage deals and they can be managed by Altcraft Marketing loyalty programs. On this tab all the relevant information is displayed. You can manually assign a promo code as well.

Promo codes


Forms are a tool for collecting data from your customers. With its help, you can implement various mechanisms using external data, for example, add new profiles to the database, manage subscriptions to various resources, and receive feedback from customers.

On this tab, you can see which forms the profile has already filled out. When you click on the collected data, you will be taken to a new window that displays all the data left by the profile in the form.



Relations between profiles can be used to register interactions between your clients — likes in a social network or service recommendations can serve as examples here. On this tab you can add a relation manually.



Orders are an element of the Market module. This module allows you to import product and order data to the platform and use this data to communicate with profiles. To activate this module, you must configure the appropriate access roles.



Pixels are HTML or JavaScript code for catching subscribers's action in website or widget. When subcriber do certain action in website or widget, server get query and register action. website


A pixel can also transmit information related to this action, for example, an achieved goal, value of the action performed, URL of the site from which the subscriber clicked, profile geodata, information about sent campaigns, and more. Data is recorded in profile history and used for segmentation.


This tab displays all profile subscriptions to resources. The channel, the customer's contact details for communication through this channel (email address, phone number, and so on), subscription status, priority, and other information are specified for each resource.

You can edit profile subscriptions manually or create a new subscription by clicking «Add subscription».

Profile subscriptions

You can manually change subscription status and priority.


Subscription status defines communication possibility with a customer by specific contact data within a specific resource. Here, like for global profile status, there are 7 types:

  • Subscribed — available for communication by all channels

  • Unsubscribed — unsubscribed from receiving messages by all channels

  • Complainer — reported to Spam. Communication is stopped.

  • Hard bounced — the provider completely refused to accept messages to this address, most likely the mailbox does not exist and attempts to send something will spoil your rating with the provider. Invalid addresses are recorded in the global stop list of the platform.

  • Unconfirmed — the subscriber registered but did not confirm his consent to receive the newsletters. It is used with Double opt-in subscription. After confirmation, it changes to Subscribed.

  • Suspended — subscription is suspended for some time.

  • Invalid — excluded for marketing campaigns due to any other reasons.


A user can subscribe to one resource several times by entering different contact details (email or phone number). The higher the value in the Priority field, the lower the priority of the subscription.

In the example below, mailings within the "Website" resource will be sent to, because a subscription with these contact details has the highest priority — 0.

High priority

You can increase the priority of a subscription automatically. To do this, activate the option in the resource settings:


Subscription categories

A resource subscription can include multiple categories. Categories enable personalization of offers. The client will receive messages only within the categories to which they are subscribed.

Unlike a subscription to a resource, a subscription to a category has only 2 statuses: “Subscribed” and “Unsubscribed”. To subscribe a profile to a category, check the appropriate box. You can also manage category subscription status via API requests.


Channel subscription fields

Data about a profile's subscription to a specific channel is stored in standard and custom fields.


You can also include additional standard fields that store information about the device and profile application:

  • Device tupe (Desktop, Mobile, Other)
  • Device model
  • Device name
  • Platform (Windows, Linux, Mac, Opera, iOS, BlackBerry, Android)
  • Platform version
  • Platform time zone
  • Platform language
  • Ad tracking allowed (True or False)
  • Ad identifier
  • Application ID
  • Application installation ID
  • Application version
  • Browser (Bots, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Facebook, Chrome, Opera, Outlook, Thunderbird)
  • Browser version

To add a new field, click the Add custom field button and select a field from the list, then enter its value.

To store additional information about your channel subscription, use custom fields. They are created in resource settings.

Additional information

1. Latest activity

Here you can see from which device and browser the profile last participated in your newsletter.

Latest activity

2. Identifiers

Each subscriber in Altcraft Platform receives a unique profile identifier (profile_id) for all databases. Each profile is also assigned unique MD5 and XXH identifiers.


The standard Email field is unique for the profile within a single database. However, this field is optional. If no email address is entered into the standard field when importing the profile, a system entry profile_id@localhos will be created.


3. UTM

UTM tags are updated in the customer profile if it was imported into the database after the customer filled out the form. These tags will help you to get detailed information about the traffic source. Please note that UTM tags are added only when you activate the «Update UTM data in the profile» option.


A digital profile is a page that displays all information about the customer and their interactions with the company. It is automatically generated for each person whose data is in the database. A digital profile will help you to see the customer journey and personalize the sales strategy.

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