What is a loyalty program

What is a loyalty program

Brands spend five times more on acquiring new customers than on retaining existing ones. It’s a good reason to think about what makes a customer come back to you for a repeat purchase, isn’t it?

The loyalty program is one such leverage. This marketing strategy helps to retain subscribers by offering them rewards such as discounts, gifts, promotional codes, etc.

If you want to know more about loyalty programs, read our blog post.

In Altcraft Platform, the "Loyalty Program" module is represented by such a tool as promotional codes.

What is a promo code

A promotional code is a combination of symbols that a customer can activate to receive a discount, free product, or other bonus.

The Altcraft Platform loyalty program allows you to create personal or universal promo codes. These promotional codes can be used in various customer loyalty management mechanics.

Personal or universal promo code?

A personal promotional code is linked to the profile of a particular customer to provide personal promotions, discounts, offers.

A universal promotional code can be linked to multiple customer profiles. Such codes are used if you organize mass promotions with conditions common to all customers.

Where to use promo code

In message templates

Let's say you want to reward loyal customers with a 15% discount on all products. To do this, you need to create a template, and then send emails to customers with a promo code.

  1. Create a promo code. Enter "loyal" as the short name.

  2. Create a message template.

  3. Personalize the message by adding a personal promotional code for each subscriber. To do this, open the variable menu </> and select a promo code with the name “loyal”. Another way is to enter the variable manually: {loyalty.name.promocode}:

Adding a promo code to the template for personalization

  1. Set up a broadcast campaign and launch a campaign.

In automation scenarios

Using promotional codes in automation scenarios, you can encourage loyal customers to come back to you again or convince those who are still in doubt to make their first purchase at a discount. Another possible way to use promotional codes in a scenario is to implement a mechanism for scoring leads.

Scenario for assigning a promo code

So, we have learned that the Altcraft Platform loyalty program is implemented through a promo code system. You can send a promotional code to a subscriber by running a campaign or scenario. Read the next article to figure out how to create promo codes.

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