How to launch a regular campaign

A regular campaign sends one message to each subscriber and then waits for the next scheduled launch to start sending again from the beginning. Choose this type of newsletter if you want to notify customers weekly of new blog posts or product updates, as well as for birthday greetings.

Open “Campaigns” and choose “Regular” in the general menu. Then press “Create”:

Step 1. General settings

Insert the campaign name and briefly describe it. Then configure the group and add tags for quick search:

Step 2. Channel

Select the channel from the dropdown list through which you want to send messages to subscribers. It could be Email, SMS, Push, Telegram, or your own channel.

Press “Next” and go further.

Step 3. Recipients

Indicate the recipients of your newsletter

  • Choose the source and the database.Target audience can be either the whole client database or a single segment.

  • Specify the audience by selecting resource. In this case a newsletter is sent only to those who subscribe to a certain resource.

If desired, you can choose "Filter by subscription categories" or "Filter by custom channel fields":

Press “Next” and go to the third tab.

Step 4. Message templates

Now you should add templates. Click the icon and choose an appropriate template:

You can add up to 8 templates. In case you add several templates in one campaign, the subscribers randomly get different messages. If you want to view the template or edit it, click the preview icon. Then press “Next” again and proceed to another step.

Step 5. Newsletter schedule

5.1. Set the frequency of sending emails.

The following schedule options are available:

  • Every day at a specific time

  • Every day, several times a day

  • On specific date at specific time

  • In particular months on particular weekdays at specific time

  • In particular months on particular month days at specific time

  • On specific date several times a day

  • In particular months on particular weekdays several times a day

  • In particular months on particular month days several times a day

  • Weekday relative to the beginning of the month

5.2. Select the time zone you want to set the schedule for. You can send a newsletter based on the time zone of a specific subscriber. To do this, activate the option "Use profile time zone when available".

5.3. If you have already decided when you want to stop the newsletter, then check the box in the "Deactivate schedule after that date" field and specify the date.

You can see the schedule you are setting up at the bottom of the tab, as in the example below. Click "Finish".

All the settings of your regular campaign are viewed in a new window:

If you notice that something is still wrong, click on the editing icon in the top right corner to go on configuring the settings.

Step 6. Newsletter limitations

There are cases when it’s necessary to limit the number of messages sent in regular campaigns:

  • when mail providers limit the number of emails sent;
  • load balancing on the sender module or your organization's infrastructure, for instance, when there are limitations on a messaging channel.

To limit the campaign, set a limit for each campaign launch – this is the number of messages you allow to send at once. In the "Increase limit each launch" field, leave it at 0.

Set a sending policy to limit the number of messages sent to a subscriber within a certain period of time.

Step 7. Smart settings

If you have “Smart Settings” enabled for your account, then the editing window of your campaign will display an additional section where you can specify parameters such as “Virtual sender”, “Custom tracking domain”, “Send hidden copy to the addresses” and “Watchers database”.

Step 8. Launching a regular campaign

You can start a regular campaign by clicking on the "Active" switch in the campaign's general settings.

You can launch a regular campaign by clicking on the "Active" toggle in the campaign's general settings. The campaign will start as soon as you click the "Save" button. Sending emails begins at the specified date and time according to the schedule.

If you want to start the campaign right away after saving, find the "Start the campaign right now" option at the bottom of the page and switch it. The campaign will be launched immediately and then sending out continues according to the established schedule.

Another way to launch a campaign is to save it first, and then activate it from the menu.

Memo tips

  1. In the "Campaigns" section, select "Regular" and click "Create".

  2. Enter the name for the campaign and provide its brief description.

  3. Set up groups to restrict access and tags for quick search if necessary.

  4. Choose the channel to communicate with subscribers. Click "Next".

  5. Add a message template, i.e. the content you want to send to your subscribers.

  6. Set up the sending schedule.

  7. Limit the mailing by specifying a limit for each campaign start and a sending policy.

  8. If additional settings are required, use the “Smart settings” block.

  9. Activate the campaign by clicking the "Active" switch.

  10. Save the campaign to start sending emails.

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