Channel report: why it's important and how to set it up

Your campaigns and scenarios are set up, triggers are working seamlessly, and messages are being sent to subscribers on schedule. Your marketing communications are running smoothly. The next step is to track the results of your email campaigns and adapt your marketing strategy based on the data you receive.

You can find the results of your email campaigns in the channel report, which provides a more flexible alternative to the summary report. Here, you can view the number of messages sent and opened, delivery rate, CTR, CTOR, and other key metrics. Unlike the summary report, the channel report allows for more convenient data grouping and includes filters to help you focus on relevant information. Another advantage is the ability to save the report with your current settings for future reference.

In this article, we will explain how to work with the channel report, including how to group data, add filters, and edit the chart and table with performance indicators.

Report сonfiguring

The report displays data for all events tracked in your campaigns, including sends, deliveries, opens, clicks, bounces, subscriptions, unsubscribes, and more. Campaigns send messages through various channels: Email, SMS, Push, Telegram, WhatsApp. Therefore, the first step in configuring your report is to select the channel for which you want to retrieve data. This is done in the "Report by" field.

Configure report by channel

Next, in the "For a period" field, set the time frame. You can manually specify dates on the calendar or use predefined presets.

Choose a period for the report


The next step is to group the email performance indicators in the report based on a specific attribute, such as days, weeks, segments, scenarios, resources, or domains. At this stage, you select what to display on the chart and in the table.

Click on the "Group by" field, and a block with a list of available parameters will appear on the right.

Grouping possibilities of report

The list is categorized as follows:

  • Date and time: Grouping by hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc.

  • Channel: Grouping by platform objects (resources, segments, campaigns, templates, scenarios, etc.)

  • Event: Grouping by domains, links, etc.

Select one of the parameters, and then you can further detail the report by filling in the fields "in which to show."

For example, let's configure the report as follows: Group by: Daysin which to show: Chainsin which to show: Campaigns:

Report by scenarios in Altcraft CDP

With this configuration, the data on the diagram will be grouped by the primary parameter, which is days. The rows in the table will have three levels of nesting: days, scenarios, and campaigns.

Channel report in diagram


Use filters to remove unnecessary information from the report, making data analysis more manageable.

To filter data, click on the "Add filter" button. A block for configuring the filter will appear on the right. The parameters you can filter by are the same as the parameters you can use for grouping.

Add filters to configure parameters of report

In the "Additional" section, you can add statistics for test messages to the report.

Choose one of the parameters and select the objects for which you want to add data to the report. If you want to remove selected data instead, click on the "Exclude" toggle in the top right corner.

Specify filter of channel report

After configuring the filter, click the "Apply" button. The applied filter will be displayed below the report settings section. You can add as many filters as needed.

Adding any necessary filters

Editing the added filter is not possible, but you can delete it by clicking the × icon.

Examples of using filters

Example 1: If you need to analyze a specific campaign, you can group the data by campaigns, find the one you're interested in on the table and chart, and review its metrics. However, data from other campaigns may be distracting. In such a case, it's better to add a filter and select only the campaign you need.

Example of filters to analyze a certain campaign

Example 2: If you're analyzing the overall effectiveness of the email channel and have three resources set up in the platform: Promo сampaigns, Blog digest, and Transactional messages. The open rate for transactional messages is significantly higher than standard newsletters, which can lead to misleading conclusions in a general analysis. In such a case, it's better to use a filter to exclude data from the "Transactional messages" resource from the report.

Analysing effectiveness of channel via report on CDP

Example 3: You're analyzing the performance of your campaigns in the fourth quarter. During this period, there's Black Friday, which typically sees exceptionally high message conversions. However, you don't want these data points to impact the overall metrics. In this case, it's better to exclude the Black Friday week from the report.

Example of channel report filtered by period

Viewing the report by channels

The report is generated, and now all the received data is displayed in a table and on the corresponding diagram. Let's explore how to enhance the display.


First, if you don't need the diagram, you can hide it by clicking on the "Hide diagram" button. However, if you're fine with the diagrams, we'll explain how to work with them below.

In the report by channels, you may encounter two types of diagrams: a line diagram and a bar diagram.

The line diagram is convenient for tracking the dynamics of changes in metrics over a specific period. You'll encounter this type of diagram when you group data by days, weeks, or quarters.

Report viewed by diagram in Altcraft CDPGrouping by weekdays

The bar diagram displays the relationship between metrics grouped by a specific attribute. You'll encounter this type of diagram when you group data by hours, days of the week, months, years, or by one of the parameters in the "Channel" and "Event" categories.

Bar chart analytics of channels on CDPGrouping by chains (scenarios), one of them is empty and one is active

All the metrics displayed on the diagram are listed in the header. You can add any column from the table to the diagram, but you can't include more than 7. To hide a metric, click on it.

If you want more precise metrics, hover your cursor over any point on the diagram.


In the table, you'll find all the available campaign metrics. The complete list of metrics is described here. Depending on how you've grouped the data, the table's structure may have nested elements.

View campaign metrics in table Group by day, in which to show campaigns, in which to show templates

To display a metric on the diagram, click the show button. The metric in the table and on the diagram will be highlighted in the same color.

Switch mode of metric or diagram

If you've noticed that a particular metric is missing, you can add it. Hover over the column name, click the + icon in the opened list, and choose the metric. To delete a column, click the - icon. To rearrange a column in the table, hover over the column name, click and hold the left mouse button, then drag the column to your desired position.

Rearrange columns in channel report

Saving a report

After building the report, you can save your current settings and view it at any time, which is convenient if you repeatedly request the same data.

For example, if you analyze the conversion of a welcome chain every Monday, set up a report for the "last 7 days" period and save it. The next Monday, opening the saved report, you will have fresh data on the welcome chain. To save the report, give it a name, set access groups if needed, and click the "Save" button on the top panel. The report will be available in the general list on the "Saved reports" tab.

save report in CDP

Comparison of data

It's best to analyze any metric in the context of trends and comparisons with other campaigns, scenarios, or segments. The report on channels includes a comparison mode for this purpose. To enter this mode:

Step 1. Build a report by grouping data according to the parameter you want to compare. For example, when grouping by templates, you can compare Template A and Template B, and when grouping by weeks, you can compare the week of March 13-19 with the week of March 20-26.

Step 2. In the data table, mark the objects you want to compare. You can compare any number of objects at any level of nesting.

Step 3. Click "Compare" to enter the comparison mode.

Comparison mode within channel report on Altcraft Platform

To return to the general report, click the ← "Comparison mode" button. For more information about the comparison mode, you can refer to this article.


The channel report provides data on all the events tracked in your campaigns. It's where you can view delivery rates, open rates, click-through rates, and other important metrics for your mailings. However, this is not an exhaustive list of the available metrics.

The channel report is a user-customized report. You build it yourself by selecting the specific parameters and metrics you need. Filters allow you to eliminate irrelevant data, and the three-level detail lets you perform more in-depth analysis of the information you've obtained.

The comparison mode helps you compare metrics for different periods, assess the effectiveness of two templates, or evaluate activity in various segments.

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