
Case Study: How PREMIER Set up Broadcasts and Automation Scenarios and Reduced the Time for Sending Campaigns to 1 Hour

Date: 2022-12-08 | Time of reading: 3 minutes (706 words)

Online cinema PREMIER, part of Gazprom-Media Holding, was founded in 2018. It is a streaming service for movies and TV series. Today, more than two million subscribers watch the latest movie releases on PREMIER.

Results achieved

Altcraft Platform has been implemented into business workflows and all communication channels has been collected in one platform

PREMIER was looking for software that could be customized for specific business tasks and deployed on the company's servers. They chose the on-premise solution of Altcraft Platform which ensured complete security of customer data in the holding's digital environment. Qvant helped quickly deploy the platform in Gazprom-Media Holding.

Previously, disparate direct marketing tools were a headache for PREMIER. However, now it has all communication channels in one place. This allows the business to work effectively with data and automate interaction with customers in various online channels.

The platform made the work in direct channels transparent and reduced the time spent on sending campaigns from three hours to one.

The company also received an unlimited plan for the amount of data stored and the number of messages sent. PREMIER replaced several services with a single platform and significantly reduced marketing costs.

Broadcasts, trigger campaigns and scenarios for automating interaction with service users have been set up

Through detailed segmentation, users were divided into separate groups based on their subscriptions.

Then the marketing team set up personalized email broadcasts for each segment. Here is the content they send:

  • movie recommendations;
  • new sports channels;
  • new releases of movies and TV series;
  • other.

Deep segmentation made it possible to send personalized messages to customers, interact with them at the right time and track the effectiveness of communications. For six months of work in the email channel, PREMIER has achieved the following results:

  • Open Rate increased by 3% (from 5% to 8%);
  • Click Rate increased by 0.4% (from 0.3% to 0.7%).

The push channel was not overlooked either. Users who install the PREMIER app receive push notifications about new releases.

PREMIER marketers also set up scenarios and trigger campaigns. When a user leaves contact details on the site, these details are sent to Altcraft Platform via API requests. After that, the trigger fires and the user receives an SMS message with a code to confirm registration. As a result, PREMIER deals only with high-quality leads and lets users who are not interested in their service go.

What has been done to achieve the results

The Qvant team deployed and configured the platform on PREMIER servers in a month.

The company integrated a corporate SMS gateway and a Viber gateway. So marketers got the opportunity to work with familiar tools.

The company's marketers transferred all customer information to the platform. Now all data obtained from online sources is stored in a single customer profile.

Thanks to deep segmentation, which partners from Gazprom-Media Data helped set up, the PREMIER team created micro-personalized campaigns. Now subscribers receive only the offers they are interested in.

Depending on the goals, different types of campaigns are used: broadcasts and triggers.

The company analyzed the launched campaigns and improved the marketing strategy based on the results. Detailed analytics helped to identify gaps and fix them.

According to PREMIER specialists, Altcraft Platform has made marketing processes simpler and clearer.

What our client says

We were looking for a solution that we could implement into the business infrastructure, so we contacted the Altcraft team. Their technical support helped to quickly figure out how to work in the platform. With the help of the platform, we have reduced labor costs and made the work in direct channels clearer. We plan to continue cooperation with the company and increase the number of customers.

Rinat Sibgatullin

Head of Qvant Communications Platform






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Author: Lyudmila Kovalenko





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